Mountain Cur Breed Standards
Color => Black, brindle, yellow, blue, white markings are permissible. White markings not to exceed one-third of the total color.
Head => Wide with short muzzle, sculptured in clean lines, without jowls or excess flesh on the sides or under the eyes or temples.
Lips => Medium thickness, firm of line and fitted neatly without folds at the corners.
Nose => Square rather than round with nostrils well opened.
Teeth => Strong, white and adapting perfectly in a scissors bite.
Eyes => Set well apart with the inner and outer corners on the same level. Large well opened and calm, never narrowed or slanted. Color: brown or dark.
Ears => Should be attached high and be firm at the base, medium length and full control when alert.
Chest => Broad and deep with moderately curved ribs not too rounded.
Neck => Strong and well constructed.
Back => Broad and strong, never swayed or roached.
Legs => Well muscled with strong bone. Should be straight and parallel to the medium line of the body.
Feet => Strong and rounded being slightly oval in shape. Pads well developed, compact and elastic. Toes strong, well arched and compact.
Dewclaws => Not required but preferred, with one or two on each rear leg, placed low on the leg giving a wider base of the foot. Ideally dewclaws form additional functioning toes.
Tail => Medium length, well feathered or natural bobtailed.
Voice => Open or semi-open on track preferred with good changeover at the tree. Silent trailing acceptable.
Coat => Outer coat smooth or rough, but not wooly. The undercoat is fine and light on all the body.
Height => Males: 18" to 24". Females 17" to 22".
Weight => Males 45 to 60 pounds. Females: 40 to 50 pounds.
General Characteristics => Vigorous and alert, powerful and strong in bone and muscle, exhibiting the strength and agility required of a hunting dog. Strong treeing instinct on all game, courageous fighters, intelligent, easily trained. Retaining a high degree of ancestral instincts such as running a track with the head in the air. A hunting and tracking style much different than a hound, but faster.